1. Flint Ridge, OH

Hopewell Culture Sites, some proposed for World Heritage: 

2. Newark Earthworks

--Hopewell Culture National Park includes 3, 4 ,5, 6:
3. Mound City, Chillicothe
4. Hopeton Mounds
5. Hopewell Mound Group
6. Seip Mound Group

7. Fort Hill Earthworks
8. Serpent Mound
9. Cole Culture Earthworks at Highbanks Metro Park

10. Inscription Rock, Kelley's Island (in Lake Erie) 

Photos by Colleen Moore
All rights reserved

Flint Ridge: 10,000 yrs of quarrying for stone tools.
Good nature trails!  We found 3 kinds of native orchids.

  • 10,000 yrs of Native American Quarrying for Stone Tools

  • Flint Boulder

  • Quarry Pit

  • Do Not Take Flint!

  • Another flint chip

  • We put all the flint chips back on the ground!!

  • American Toad

  • Silene virginica; Fire pink. Endangered in Wisconsin (but this is Ohio)

  • Conopholis americana Cancer Root

  • Trillium grandiflora, Large flowered trillium

  • Asarum canadensis Wild Ginger

  • Goodyera pubescens Rattlesnake plantain orchid

  • Plantanthera lacera, Ragged fringed orchid

  • Galearis spectabilis Showy Orchis